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All-Class 3A Region 5 team
Saks’ Miller voted Coach of the Year, Wellborn’s Smith voted Player of the Year
Defending No. 1
Top-ranked 1A-4A Ashville takes down No. 2 Weaver with a pin in the final match By Al...
Milestone man
Cleburne County’s Casey crosses 1,000-point barrier, McDaniel’s bid in girls game stopped short by injuryThursday boys scoresChildersburg...
Jacksonville sidelined
Golden Eagles shutting down extracurricular activities, not because of COVID, but virtual learning policyBy Al MuskewitzEast Alabama...
County star power
Record 10 players from Calhoun County gather for first time Wednesday in prep for North-South All-Star Classic...
Shakin’ off the rust
Girls roundup: Anniston knocks off rust with area win over White Plains; Alexandria, Piedmont score big wins...
Taking charge
Boys roundup: Kite helps Anniston pull away from White Plains; Piedmont, Saks open seasons with big wins,...
Oxford boys sidelined
No positive COVID tests detected within the team, but several players caught in contact tracing so Jackets...
Monday basketball
Munford boys pull away in fourth quarter, Handley’s girls edge Cleburne County in OT and moreMonday’s boys...
Wellborn’s Russell honored
Panthers defensive line coach recognized as Class 3A Assistant Coach of the Year by state coaches association...