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Thursday scoreboard
Here are a list of Thursday’s statewide football scores and volleyball results for teams in and around...
Counting changes
AHSAA changes the way it counts ADM for upcoming classification purposesFrom AHSAA MONTGOMERY – The Alabama High...
Holmes hopeful
Munford ARCA driver hoping to wrap up a strong season with win in season-ending race in Kansas;...
Statewide poll
Piedmont stays No. 1, five other Calhoun County teams in Alabama high school pollCLASS 7A1. Thompson (19);...
Senior recognition
Faith Christian recognizes eight seniors who’ve made a profound impact on program Tuesday’s matchesAppalachian 2, Weaver 0 (25-16,...
Blaney by a nose
Blaney edges Newman at wire in sixth-closest finish in NASCAR history, qualifies for next round of playoffs...
Area tournaments
Here is the schedule for the area volleyball tournaments for teams in Calhoun County, will be updated...
Delayed by rain
Talladega race suspended by weather, will have its first Monday finish since 2006 By Al MuskewitzEast Alabama...
Elliott grabs pole
NASCAR’s most popular driver turns fast lap of 192.707 to sit on pole for chance for season...
It’s Sauter; no, Boyd
NASCAR hands Boyd first career win after stripping Sauter of Sugarlands Shine 250 victory for blocking below...