E.A. Sports Today


  • Spring break baseball

    Ohatchee, Oxford earn splits of their spring break doubleheadersSATURDAY BASEBALLSmoky Bear InvitationalSeymour, Tenn.Ohatchee 7, East Robertson (Tenn.)...

  • Yellow Jackets golden

    Seniors lead Oxford to Spring Break victory over Golden (Colo.); Alexandria sweeps, PV swept, Munford splits, Ohatchee...

  • One for state pride

    Fagan’s bloop single in ninth gives Piedmont walk-off win over Staley (Mo.) in Spring Break ExperienceFRIDAY’S GAMESPiedmont...

  • Cutting it close

    Munford takes lead in county championship game on Stephens’ go-ahead double on 3-2 pitch with two outs...

  • Welcome back

    Piedmont’s Tolbert delivers in return to lineup, helps Bulldogs rout Prattville Christian in Spring Break Experience opener...

  • Good guy shows up

    Jacksonville checks all the boxes in run-rule win over Wellborn; Glencoe wins wild one with Donoho, PV...

  • Bouncing back

    White Plains collects 15 hits in first game after being no-hit, scores ‘program building win,’ Oxford, Jacksonville...

  • Daytime drama

    Starting pitchers trade zeroes all game, Donoho puts together rally in bottom of eighth to beat 3A...

  • Gaining Experience

    Oxford wins its tightest game in the Spring Break Experience so far, Donoho wins twice at The...

  • This week’s schedule

    Here is the high school sports schedule for teams in and around Calhoun County for the week...