Brother battle
Deerman brothers David and Matt meet for the first time as varsity coaches, older brother David gets...
High drama early
Hoover wins a pitching duel with Oxford; Spring Garden, White Plains, Wellborn, Handley all win Tuesday’s Results...
Tucker back in swing
Ohatchee senior playing for the first time in six years, delivers three doubles in Indians’ rout of...
Something special
Ranburne’s Young ready to see ‘where the season takes me’ as he returns from 2015 knee injury...
Jenkins, Indians off to fast start
Ohatchee opens its baseball season with a big victory over Saks, Jenkins strong at the plate and...
Call to the bullpen
Wellborn’s Harrell steps away temporarily to attend to health concerns, Manning to assume head coaching duties By...
Jackets open season with bang
Oxford wins three in baseball, two in softball; Syer has big day, Turner pitches one-hitter, Lloyd homers,...
The week ahead
Here is the week’s schedule for high school sports in and around Calhoun County. Coaches, if you...
Baseball schedule
Here is the schedule for high school baseball teams in and around Calhoun County. Coaches, to have...
Take a big swing
Versatile Piedmont catcher Kirk battles one of the nation’s top prospects in Home Run Derby finals at...