E.A. Sports Today


  • Managing just fine

    Just two summers ago Hayden Howard was a White Plains football manager, today he’s the Wildcats’ starting...

  • Best foot forward

    After identifying a need at a young age, Alexandria kicker fulfilling his destiny, giving the Valley Cubs...

  • 2021 Football Schedules

    Here are the 2021 high school football schedules for teams in and around Calhoun County ALEXANDRIAAug. 27...

  • Kite soars into T-town

    Anniston’s two-sport star commits to Alabama for football By Al MuskewitzEast Alabama Sports Today Antonio Kite didn’t...

  • 2021 Schedule (by date)

    Here is the 2021 high school football by date for teams in and around Calhoun CountyAug. 19Coosa...

  • Hall of Famers

    Calhoun County Sports Hall of Fame inducts six into COVID-delayed Class of 2020, running roster of inductees...

  • Air of enthusiasm

    Cherokee County high school football coaches talk excitedly about the season ahead By Roy MitchellSpecial to East...

  • A good start

    Atchley sends his new Weaver football team into action for the first time, winning half vs. Meek...

  • Scholarship winners

    The Calhoun County Quarterback Club awarded three $5,000 scholarships to county football players Thursday at Anniston Country...

  • Bowen heading to Southside

    Oxford OLB coach, baseball pitching coach approved tonight as Southside’s new defensive coordinator, won’t go full-time until...