E.A. Sports Today


  • Spring alignments

    Here are the AHSAA spring sports alignments for Calhoun County area teams for the next two years...

  • Finding history

    Pandemic spring cleaning uncovers treasure trove of signed softballs from Alexandria’s 2004 state championship By Al MuskewitzEast...

  • Art of patience

    Coronavirus schools shutdown gives Alexandria softball player more time to work on her art By Al MuskewitzEast...

  • Power players

    Softball roundup: Alexandria catcher-cousins Burt, Welch homer for their respective teams; Oxford, Piedmont, White Plains have good...

  • Softball roundup

    PV’s Patterson fashions gem against Weaver, Lady Cubs edge Oxford, Faith outscores Victory, Piedmont pounds Saks Thursday softball...

  • Softball schedule

    Here is the 2020 high school softball schedule for teams in and around Calhoun County; it will...

  • Lady Tigers are Lion kings

    Cleburne County sweeps way to Munford Tournament title By East Alabama Sports Today Jayci Boozer spun a four-hit, four-inning...

  • PV perseveres

    Updated roundup: Raiders, Ohatchee pick up in-county baseball victories, Saks remains undefeated with another big day at...

  • Tuesday roundup

    Alexandria baseball, softball get big hits, strong pitching to win games over Fort Payne, Cleburne County Tuesday’s baseball...

  • Clark comes up big

    Gives Oxford the lead in both of its victories in Leeds Tournament Friday softball scoresLeeds TournamentMoody 6, White...