E.A. Sports Today


  • The beat goes on

    Anniston wins girls title for second year in a row and 12th since 1999, but coach Eddie...

  • Wood puts Heart in it

    Sacred Heart senior comes back from two scary injuries, leads Sacred Heart to county boys title, becomes...

  • Monday basketball

    Because of the special circumstances of the Calhoun County Tournament finals being played Monday night, teams that...

  • Weekly schedule

    Here is the schedule for this week’s high school basketball games for teams in and around Calhoun...

  • Weekend wrestling

    Defending champion Oxford reaches 6A semifinals of State Duals Tournament By East Alabama Sports Today SPANISH FORT...

  • Area basketball

    Cleburne County girls, Clay Central win Tri-County Tournament titles; Glencoe falls in Etowah County girls final By...

  • Sharpest shooter

    Oxford’s Shadrix gets the chance to hit a shot from midcourt for $10,000 after winning the County...

  • Dudley Duo right

    Top-seeded Anniston faces Oxford after reaching Calhoun County Girls Tournament final for seventh time in eight years...

  • Title rematch

    Top seeds Sacred Heart, Oxford square off in first Calhoun County Boys Tournament title rematch since 2007...

  • The show goes on

    Talladega boys ride into finals of revamped Talladega County Tournament after TCC, Winterboro opt out; Glencoe girls...