E.A. Sports Today


  • Ace in the crowd

    Howell makes sixth career hole-in-one, first in competition, currently T-3 in State Super Seniors; Wigington two shots...

  • Air it out

    Jacksonville, Wellborn move the ball in their spring game, but Golden Eagles prevail behind Ogle’s 316 yards...

  • Title bid falls short

    Frustrated Lady Cubs were in good position, but drop both games in 5A finals to Hayden; ‘it...

  • Lady Cubs lei it on ’em

    Alexandria uses big bats, three more Gattis gems to gain a spot in the 5A state championship...

  • Serious softball

    Piedmont eliminated from Class 3A after two games, Prattville Christiaan stuns Bulldogs with three in top of...

  • New coaches

    Three assistants in line for top county head coaching jobs at Alexandria, White PlainsBy Al MuskewitzEast Alabama...

  • Comeback thwarted

    Piedmont rally comes up short, Trinity Presbyterian sweeps Tuesday doubleheader to win the Class 3A state titleBy...

  • Piedmont wins opener

    Bulldogs use speed and a little luck to score 4 in second inning, take Game 1 of...

  • Best foot forward

    Upgrades to basketball floor, stadium entrance are part of ‘big things happening at Wellborn people should see,’...

  • LeCroy repeats

    South Alabama junior pulls away on Backbreaker 9 to win RTJ Championship at Silver Lakes for second...