All-County tennis
Faith Christian’s Mitchell, Goode take top honors on East Alabama Sports Today’s 2023 boys’ All-Calhoun County tennis...
All-County tennis
Donoho’s Hillman, Alderman take top honors on East Alabama Sports Today’s 2023 girls All-Calhoun County tennis team...
All-County golf
White Plains’ Rogers, Alexandria’s Kiker take top awards for East Alabama Sports Today’s girs’ All-Calhoun County golf...
All-County golf
Weaver’s Ledbetter, White Plains’ Edwards co-players of the year; White Plains’ Randall coach of the year on...
2023 CCGT stats
Here are the 2023 Calhoun County Golf Tour statistics through the season’s second tournament, the the Gadsden...
Tie goes to Ty
Cole rallies from four shots back with five holes to go to force playoff, edge Travis in...
Morris to AHS
Former Pleasant Valley coach Morris, reassigned in budgetary moves, will teach and coach at Alexandria High School,...
State softball
Pleasant Valley rallies to beat Sumiton Christian, stay alive in 2A. Spring Garden rebounds from first-round loss...
2023 CCGT scoring
Here are the 2023 Calhoun County Golf Tour statistics through the season’s first tournament, the RTJ-Silver Lakes...
This week’s schedule
Here is the high school sports schedule for teams in and around Calhoun County for the week...