E.A. Sports Today

All posts tagged "NEWS TICKER"

  • Thursday volleyball

    Here are the results and statistics for Thursday night’s high school volleyball matches as reported to East...

  • Rumble in the Hills

    PV girls, Lincoln boys pull out tight team races in Pleasant Valley’s Raiders Rumble in the Hills;...

  • Panthers pounce

    Southside scores four touchdowns in the fourth quarter to break open a close game with rival Hokes...

  • Panthers new look

    Wellborn formally unveils new gym floor, dedicates it to beloved former principal and County Hall of Famer...

  • This week’s poll

    No. 1 Piedmont, Alexandria, Jacksonville, Anniston and Saks all make their respective top 10s in this week’s...

  • Tuesday volleyball

    Taylor returns to alma mater Jacksonville for first time as a coach, leaves with wins over Golden...

  • Big man’s moment

    Even though the play didn’t count, Anniston’s McElderry shows his skill and savvy as a receiver trying...

  • Sunday golf

    Here are the results of the Briarmeade 3-Man Scramble and the Anniston CC Member-GuestBy East Alabama Sports...

  • This week’s schedule

    Here is the high school sports schedule for teams in and around Calhoun County for the week...

  • Lady Cubs Carostrongest

    Alexandria sweeps three matches to win Jacksonville’s Carostrong Round-Robin, Sylacauga rallies to Jacksonville in tiebreaker for second-best...